Autor Thema: Frage zu Ansichten Indizes  (Gelesen 2454 mal)

Offline Romario

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Frage zu Ansichten Indizes
« am: 10.04.04 - 20:32:47 »
nach unserem schrittweisen Umstieg von R5 auf R6 mehren sich nun leider die Probleme. Ich sehe Effekte, die ich mir leider nicht erklären kann, wäre nett, wenn mir jemand dazu einige Tips geben könnte:
Server ist immer R6.51, OS ist RedHat ES3, Transactional Logging ist aktiv.

Ich erstelle eine Wildcard Replik einer Datenbank per Adminp, sage auf dem Zielserver auf dem die Replik dann liegt:
pull "Server " "DB"
Klappt problemlos.
Die Datenbank ist dann komplett da, im selben Augenblick läuft der Indexer los und aktualisiert Ansichten Indizes.
Warum?! (Die Ansichten sind 100% _nicht_ auf 'automatisch aktuell' halten gestellt, sondern 'beim ersten Zugriff')
Und zugegriffen hat niemand.

Nächstes Problem taucht bei Ansichten auf, die über den Webtask geöffnet werden .
Diese Ansichten sind zu 100% kaputt, wenn mehrere  Ansichten gleichzeitig aufgerufen werden, deren Index noch nicht aktuell ist.

10.04.2004 14:21:57   NIF: DETECTED STORAGE CORRUPTION ERROR 'B-tree structure is invalid'
10.04.2004 14:21:57   NIF: in /local/notesdata/xxx/yyy.nsf collection "Web\Pläne\freie Struktur|webvwPlaeneFreieStruktur1", ID=20562 length 5120

Ich tippe hier auf einen Bug auf Betriebssystemebene, habe aber auf schon ähnliche Meldungen gesehen. HW ist zu 100% ok, es tritt nur auf, wenn die DB Grösse 2GB übersteigt.

Und zu guter letzt:
Welcher Task ist überhaupt dazu zuständig, Ansichten Indizes zu erstellen?
Rufe ich einen noch nicht erstellten Ansichtenindex übers Web auf, so läuft nur der http Task, kein Update oder Updall.

Danke schonmal
10 x 6.52 Redhat
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"When we speak of free software we refer to freedom, not price."  - FSF

Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re:Frage zu Ansichten Indizes
« Antwort #1 am: 13.04.04 - 15:32:00 »
Vielleicht hilft dir dieser Auszug aus Inside Notes:

The Indexer
The Indexer is composed of two server tasks:
 The Update task
 The Updall task
These tasks use two sets of NOS services, the Notes Index Facility (NIF) and Full-Text services, to
keep database views and full-text indexes up to date after documents are added, removed, and/or
modified. Use of both Update and Updall is optional. You do not need to run them in order for
client and server programs to see up-to-date views because a view will be updated automatically if
it is out of date when a client or server program accesses it. However, it may be useful to run
Update and/or Updall if a server has excess performance capacity. Running the tasks during
normal hours of operation or during off-peak times enables Update and Updall to use the excess
capacity to update views, thereby reducing the delays that clients and server programs experience
when attempting to access the views. Both Update and Updall update out-of-date views. The
difference between the two is that Updall runs once, updates all out-of-date views in all databases,
and then stops; Update runs continuously, updating views in response to certain database activities
as they happen.
By default, the Domino server runs Update continuously in the background and runs UpdAll every
night at 2 AM to update any additional views and full-text indexes that Update did not manage to
update during the day.
By default, both Update and Updall update a view only if it has an index in it. The presence of an
index indicates that client and/or server programs have used the view. By default, Update and
Updall ignore views that do not have an index in them. The tasks do not waste time building an
index for a view that has not actually been used. This can happen because the template used to
create a database may be designed to serve many needs and so may include many views, but the
use of specific views in any one database created from the template may vary greatly.
The Updall task
The Updall task is a single instance of the Update task. Although Updall does not check or use the
requests in $UpdateQueue, it performs the same tasks as Update. When Updall runs, by default at 2
AM, it refreshes outdated views and full-text indexes and discards expired view indexes. If you use
the -r switch with Updall, by typing load updall -r at the server console, Updall discards and
rebuilds every view in a database.
Discarding view indexes
When creating a view, a designer uses the Discard View property to define when to remove the
view information, which is known as the view index, from the database. The choices are: Never,
After each use, and If inactive for n days. The Updall task removes the view index from the
database. Removing unused views saves database space and improves performance.
Even if the discard frequency is set to “After each use,” the view is not removed from the database
until the Updall task runs.
The Update task
The Update task updates views by accounting for deletions and/or changes to existing documents
and the creation of new documents.
Update is enabled, by default, on a Domino server. To enable one or more Update tasks, type load
update one or more times at the server console or add Updaters=n to the server’s NOTES.INI file,
where n is the number of Update tasks to launch. Note that if you type tell update quit at the server
console, all Update tasks on the server stop.
Using multiple Indexers improves the speed of indexing, but it may also cause a decrease in server
performance, because more than one Update task may contend for access to the same view
To configure the log file (LOG.NSF) to record the activity of each Indexer, use the Log_Update=1
setting in the NOTES.INI file.
Indexer Updating names.nsf view "($Users)"
Indexer Updating names.nsf view "($Users)"
$UpdateQueue and view changes
A request to update a view can be triggered by the Router, by replication, or by the server when it
closes a database that has been modified. Update requests are stored in the $UpdateQueue, which
holds a maximum of 500 requests. Each request contains the name and path of the database that
needs updating. When running, the Update task polls the queue every five seconds to look for
requests. If Update finds requests, it acts on them in sequential order. If the queue becomes full,
some requests may be dropped, which may result in a client or server program having to
synchronously update a view when it tries to access it instead of finding the view already updated
by Update.
Each Update task takes a request and performs the necessary database updates. Multiple Update
tasks can work on the same database, but semaphore-locking prevents two tasks from updating the
same view or full-text index at the same time.
Suppression time and efficient view rebuilds
Although the Update task checks the $UpdateQueue every five seconds, it does not always
immediately refresh a database view or full-text index. To increase efficiency and improve server
performance, Update collects changes so that it can process many changes at once. The suppression
time interval controls how often the Update task processes changes to a view or full-text index. By
default, suppression time is set to five minutes. However, you can change this setting by adding
Update_Suppression_Time=x to the NOTES.INI file, where x is the number of minutes.
The Domino Directory and indexing
In most cases, users, servers, and applications cannot access a view while the Indexer is updating it.
However, an exception is made when accessing certain views in the Domino Directory. Because the
Domino Directory is one of the most heavily used and most frequently updated databases and
because the Domino Directory is needed to manage critical processes such as authentication and
mail, Domino allows name lookups to access certain views of the Domino Directory that may not be
quite up-to-date — ($ServerAccess), ($Users), ($Groups), ($NameFieldLookup). Although this view
availability ensures quick mail routing and authentication, it also risks that the information retrieved
from these views may not be current. This mechanism works because the Update and Updall tasks,
which run in the background, eventually update the Domino Directory, so that the Domino
Directory is always reasonably up-to-date for lookup operations.

Kurz zusammengefasst, werden die Indexe für Views aktualisiert, auf die bereits zugegriffen wurde. Ich nehme jetzt mal an, steht nicht explizit drinnen macht aber viel Sinn, dass sich diese Verwendung auf eine neue Replik mitrepliziert. Ist mir übrigens beim Client auch bereits aufgefallen. Weiters kannst du dem Ausschnitt aus Inside Notes entnehmen, dass falls der Update eine view nch nicht aktualisiert hat, dann macht das das sogenannte NIF Notes Indexing Facility und das wird von dem jeweiligen Task aufgerufen und läuft synchron. Das heisst du hast dann die Auslatung beim jeweiligen Task. z.B. Http Task oder Server Task. Eine asynchrone Abarbeitung ist natürlich zu bevorzugen.

Hoffe das beantwortet deinen Fragen.


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Offline Romario

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Re:Frage zu Ansichten Indizes
« Antwort #2 am: 19.04.04 - 09:38:30 »
Ok danke,
das hilft mir etwas weiter.
Es bestärkt mich im Glauben, dass das Problem im Zusammenspiel zwischen Redhat ES3 und R6.51 liegt.
Lt. der IBM Webste wird erst 6.52 zertifiziert sein.

Was ist denn das 'Inside Notes'?
Buch o.ä.?

10 x 6.52 Redhat
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"When we speak of free software we refer to freedom, not price."  - FSF

Offline Ralf_M_Petter

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Re:Frage zu Ansichten Indizes
« Antwort #3 am: 19.04.04 - 09:42:06 »
Schau mal hier ist aber natürlich schon etwas älter, gibt aber meines Wissens nach keine aktualisierte Version.
Jede Menge Tipps und Tricks zu IT Themen findet Ihr auf meinem Blog  Everything about IT  Eine wahre Schatzkiste sind aber sicher die Beiträge zu meinem Lieblingsthema Tipps und Tricks zu IBM Notes/Domino Schaut doch einfach mal rein.

Offline Romario

  • Frischling
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Re:Frage zu Ansichten Indizes
« Antwort #4 am: 19.04.04 - 11:52:27 »
Thx, ich bin am lesen...  :D
10 x 6.52 Redhat
2 x 5.0.13a Redhat
"When we speak of free software we refer to freedom, not price."  - FSF


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