Messages are being delivered by the Domino R5 router to MAIL.BOX for mail delivery. For some reason, your Router fails or crashes. The remaining messages that are in the MAIL.BOX do get delivered to the users. The problem is that the messages do not get removed from the MAIL.BOX database.
When you attempt to open one of those remaining messages in the MAIL.BOX file, the following error occurs:
"Invalid or nonexistent document."
If you check the document properties for that message, the same error occurs.
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering; however, it was determined not to be a software problem.
The error message from the client occurs because the view has not yet been updated. To cause the view to update immediately, open the MAIL.BOX and press SHIFT+F9.
One customer reported that SHIFT+F9 did not solve the problem; instead, the
MAIL.BOX had to be recreated.
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1. Dominoserver beenden
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3. Dominoserver starten