Autor Thema: Fehlermeldung beim öffnen eines anderen Kalenders  (Gelesen 965 mal)

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mir bereitet seit längerem eine Fehlermeldung Kopfschmerzen und ich finde einfach keine plausible Lösung für das Problem. Wir haben vor kurzem alle Clientmasken von 4 auf 5 umgestellt und nun habe ich das Problem, das bei einer Kollegin folgende Fehlermeldung beim Zugriff auf den Kalender ihrer Chefin erscheint: Duplicate Public name UICSDOC in USE module CSUIDocClass
Selbst mit Managerrechten bekommt sie die Fehlermeldung. Ansonsten kann sie auf alles zugreifen. Wenn ich mir die DB zuordne, kann ich ohne Probleme darin arbeiten (auch mit niedrigeren Rechten). Nun meine Frage. Wo kann ich etwas umstellen, damit der Zugriff wieder läuft. Habe auch schon die DB aus dem Arbeitsbereich entfernt und neu geöffnet. Der selbe Fehler.
R5 5.0.11 Server
5.0.12 client vers.
NT 4.0


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Re:Fehlermeldung beim öffnen eines anderen Kalenders
« Antwort #1 am: 25.02.04 - 15:49:09 »
Hi Markus,

dein Hinweis - alle Clientmasken von 4 auf 5 umgestellt - gab mir die folgende Idee:
Kann diese Kollegin denn auf ein anderen Kalender zugreifen?
Wenn nicht wird sie nicht richtig umgestellt worden sein auf R5.

The following is a statement from the Product Manager for Notes/Domino Calendaring & Scheduling regarding the issue of using the 'Open Another Calendar' feature in a mixed environment of Notes/Domino 5.0.3 and Notes/Domino 4.5x/4.6x.

In R5.0.3 there was a change incorporated that allows customers using R4.5.7 (and above) and R4.6.4 (and above) to open the calendar of a R5.0.3 customer without any error messages occurring. For the releases of the Notes 4.5x/4.6x Client prior to R4.5.7 and R4.6.4, customers will receive several error messages ("Variable not declared CS_SHARED_STRING") when attempting to open a R5.0.3 customer's calendar, and several error messages upon closing the calendar. Please note that the calendar will indeed appear properly if the customer presses ENTER as each error message appears; however, the only way to completely circumvent the errors is to move to the later releases of the Notes Client (R4.5.7 or R4.6.4 and above). These Notes Client releases compile the LotusScript code, which is functioning behind the scenes, differently from earlier releases which eliminates the error messages. Depending on the environment it may not be necessary to modify the client release of all users in an organization, because this issue applies only to those users that want to perform this specific 'Open Another Calendar' function with a R5.0.3 Client (which could represent a small amount of the total user community).

As a side note, customers can upgrade in one of two ways: by using the Notes Client Incremental Installer or by the Notes Full Client install. For example, if a customer is currently running Notes Client 4.5.6 they could use the incremental installer to quickly and easily move to the latest release of 4.5.7. The case where the Full Client Install would be used is if the difference between the current release number and the release to be upgraded to is a jump of several releases; in this case Lotus encourages customers to perform the Full Client Install. For example, if a customer is running 4.6.1, a full install of 4.6.7 is needed instead of doing incremental installs to 4.6.2, then 4.6.3, then 4.6.4, then 4.6.5, etc. Lotus encourages customers to generally upgrade the Notes Client code to the latest release as they will receive the benefit of other fixes.

Another option to address this issue would be to have the customers who are working on Notes R5.0.3 Client use the R4.5x/R4.6x mail template (Mail45.ntf or Mail46.ntf) as opposed to the R5 template because this is the lowest common denominator between the releases. This is the migration path that Lotus recommends when deploying the Notes/Domino R5 product (servers first, then clients, then applications/mail files). This migration path ensures consistency in a mixed environment until all users can be running on the same release of the Notes Client.

In the case where there is a mixed environment, the changes made in R5.0.3 allow the R4.5.7/R4.6.4 (and above) customer the ability to view the 5.0.3 calendar; this is supported. There is no support for the editing or opening of the individual calendar documents themselves (meaning, if a customer double-clicks a meeting invitation while in the view of that 5.0.3 calendar in an attempt to open it, he/she will receive error messages). It should also be noted that if customers are using the Delegation feature (that is, one person has someone else Manage their calendar) this is not supported with this 5.0.3 change. When using the Delegation functionality, it is required that both of these customers be on the same release of the Notes Client since they are accessing the same mail file.

  ;D MOD

Offline Errormaker

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Re:Fehlermeldung beim öffnen eines anderen Kalenders
« Antwort #2 am: 25.02.04 - 16:16:30 »
Hallo Mod,
leider kann meine Kollegin auf alle anderen Kalender in ihrer Abteilung zugreifen. Habe auch schon Ihr Template auf 4.6.7 (die alte Version) und dann wieder auf die 5er-Schablone zurückgesetzt. Bei anderen Fehlermeldungen im Hause war das immer der richtige Weg. Nur leider nicht bei ihr. Kann das lokal an ihrem Client liegen?
R5 5.0.11 Server
5.0.12 client vers.
NT 4.0


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