Hi inu,
geht seit der Version 5.0.2 (laut IBM).
Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2 Quarterly Maintenance Release (QMR) Below is the completed and final fix list for Release 5.0.2. There are a total of 816 fixes. Release 5.0.2 contained a substantial number of fixes and it required that each and every one be reviewed and summarized into a few technically accurate yet readable sentences. This challenge was greater than anticipated and resulted in an extended delay in finalizing this information for you.
SPR# MLAT49LL5D - German (Reform) dictionary is now a selection in the dictionary list under Preferences, User Preferences, International, Spelling Dictionary. [5.0.2]
Dictionaries (updated)
The self extracting dictionaries file contains a new dictionary file called DEUTSCH2.DIC, which allows the spell-checker to support additional German dialects. Note that this is unavailable for the Macintosh at this time, but it is present in the Notes Windows-based client.