mit diesem Script kannst Du deinen Usern auf die Nerven gehen:
How do you limit the size of users' mail boxes?
If you would like to warn users more directly, you can put this in the mail templates's Database Script PostOpen event:
Sub PostOpen(Source as Notesuidatabase)
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim MaxSize As Double, CurrSize As Double
Set db=source.Database
Maxsize = 20 'Megabytes
CurrSize = Round( db.Size/1000000, 2)
If CurrSize > MaxSize Then
MsgBox "Your mail database exceeds the corporate " _
& "maximum size of " & MaxSize & " Mb. Your mail " _
& "database is " & CurrSize & " Mb and contains " _
& db.AllDocuments.Count & " documents. Please " _
& "remove or archive old messages. If you " _
& "require assistance, please contact IS.", 0, _
"Mail Database Needs Archiving"
End If
End Sub