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A Domino R5 server experiences a crash on the NSERVER task, with the following messages written to the server console:
Please wait, creating new transaction logs in directory: e:\log\
Insufficient disk space to create transaction log.Thread=[03D0:0002-03CC]
PANIC: Insufficient disk space to create transaction log.
There may be a RIP file generated, containing the following summary and a PANIC message at the top of the stack:
RIP Summary: (By thread)
Thread: 0x3D4
<< Unable to find symbols file for module (ntdll.dbg)>>
-> _hlgCreateLog+028E <-
-> _NSFRecoverDatabases@20+185F <-
-> _RmRestart@0+00E3 <-
-> _InitializeNSF@0+0821 <-
-> _NSFDbSetMode@16+0019 <-
-> _NIFNSFInitialize@0+000D <-
-> _FirstProcessMain@8+0010 <-
-> _ServerMain@8+0122 <-
-> _WinMain@16+0085 <-
-> _WinMainCRTStartup+00E0 <-
<< Unable to find symbols file for module (kernel32.dbg)>>
If the server is brought up after the crash without any maintenance or troubleshooting described below, error messages similar to the following may occur:
Recovery Manger: Log File Full: Func=hlgWriteLogRecord File=rm\rmlogger.cpp:516
Cannot write to log file: Recovery Manager: Log File is Full, try again later
The error message indicates that transactional logging (TL) does not have room to create new log extents. You can troubleshoot the issue with the following two steps:
1. Determine the disk drive and directory that the .txn extents are being written to. Disk drive and directory can be determined from one of the following:
a. The message written to the console. In the above example, it is drive E and the transaction logs directory is e:\log\.
b. In the Domino Directory, in the "Log path:" field of the Server document, under the Transactional Logging tab.
c. In the NOTES.INI, in the line TRANSLOG_Path= line.
2. Ensure that there is sufficient space on the TL dedicated disk drive.
Under most circumstances , the maximum free space you should ever need on the drive is slightly over 4 GB. This would be the case if you have just enabled Circular Transactional Logging and limited Maximum Log Space to 4 GB, as recommended by Lotus Software. This limit will also be adhered to in Archive mode as long as backups are taken frequently enough. The minimum space required would be equal to no less than 192 MB, or whatever is specified on the transactional logging tab of the Server document (Note: each .txn file is 64 MB in size so if 192 MB is specified in the Server document, then three .txn files will be created. It is not possible to specify a value lower than 192 MB).
Supporting Information:
Domino creates log extent files (.txn) the first time Transaction Logging is enabled and also creates additional ones as needed, with the Archived logging style enabled. The Domino server will not be able to operate if the specified drive and directory in the "Log Path" field does not have sufficient space. When transaction logging cannot access or completely create the logs, there is nothing the server can do BUT crash. This is one of the few cases in which a crash is necessary in production code.
Related Documents:
Transaction Logging in Domino R5
Document #: 172508
Error With Transactional Logging (Circular): "Recovery Manager: Log File is Full, Try Again Later"
Document #: 175378
Archived Transactional Log Grows Beyond the Maximum Log Space Specified in the Server Document
Document #: 177904