Autor Thema: Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI  (Gelesen 64113 mal)


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Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« am: 24.01.04 - 14:17:31 »
Für unsere Best Practices bin ich dabei, alles über die ominöse NOTES.INI zusammenzustellen. Folgendes möchte ich unterbringen:

1) administratorisches zur NOTES.INI (Standort, Verknüpfung)

2) Lesen und Schreiben mit Formelsprache / LotusScript; Unterscheidung Systemvariable und $-Variable (muss mir dafür noch einen vernünftigen Namen ausdenken)

3) Liste der wichtigsten Variable

4) Liste der undokumentierten Variablen

5) Links zu anderen Web-Seiten

6) Einschränkungen

Es wäre schön, wenn mich der eine oder andere dabei unterstützt  ;)
Bei Postings dann bitte die Referenz (Punkt 1 - 5) angeben oder  neue Punkte.

« Letzte Änderung: 24.01.04 - 19:56:10 von Glombi »


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zu 3) Liste der wichtigsten Variable
« Antwort #1 am: 24.01.04 - 14:24:51 »
zu 3)



Server-Adressbücher in der lokalen notes.ini:
  Hinweis: Es gibt Stress, falls Server "domino01" nicht erreichbar ist => besser nicht

Den Alarm-Daemon aktivieren:


to be continued...
« Letzte Änderung: 24.01.04 - 17:47:11 von Glombi »


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zu 1) administratives
« Antwort #2 am: 24.01.04 - 14:30:40 »
Verknüpfung in Windows definieren (siehe Screenshot)

Insbesondere wenn man mit mehreren Notes-Versionen oder Anwendern auf einem Rechner arbeitet, ist die Verwendung unterschiedlicher NOTES.INI notwendig.
Seit Version 5 wird die NOTES.INI standardmäßig im Programmverzeichnis abegelgt, in den früheren Notes-Versionen wurde die NOTES.INI im Windows-Verzeichnis abgelegt. Daher musste mit Verknüpfungen gearbeitet werden.


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zu 5) Links zu Web-Seiten
« Antwort #3 am: 24.01.04 - 14:34:19 »
« Letzte Änderung: 31.01.05 - 09:42:47 von Glombi »

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #5 am: 24.01.04 - 15:04:01 »
Schon oft gefragt:

Problem: Schrift im Notes unter Win2K viel zu klein

Lösung: Diese Zeilen in der notes.ini hinzufügen:

DialogFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8
UIFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8
StatusBarFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8
InfoboxFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8


A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

Offline TMC

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #6 am: 24.01.04 - 15:15:00 »
Insbesondere wenn man mit mehreren Notes-Versionen oder Anwendern auf einem Rechner arbeitet, ist die Verwendung unterschiedlicher NOTES.INI notwendig.
Seit Version 5 wird die NOTES.INI standardmäßig im Programmverzeichnis abegelgt, in den früheren Notes-Versionen wurde die NOTES.INI im Windows-Verzeichnis abgelegt. Daher musste mit Verknüpfungen gearbeitet werden.

Ich löse das immer so (auch mit mehreren Notes-Versionen auf einem Rechner.

Es gibt die Notes Installationsverzeichnisse:

Dann noch einzelne Datenverzeichnisse:

In den Programmverzeichnissen werfe ich die notes.ini raus bzw. benenne sie um.
Dafür gibt es in jedem Datenverzeichnis 1 Notes.ini.

Zum Starten von Notes gibt es jeweils eine Desktop-Verknüpfung:
R5011 Rainer Unsinn.lnk
R602 Rainer Unsinn.lnk

Da steht dann z.B. folgendes:

« Letzte Änderung: 24.01.04 - 15:15:28 von TMC »

A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

Offline koehlerbv

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #7 am: 24.01.04 - 15:16:13 »
Betriebssystem: Windows XP SP1.
So ganz sehe ich bei diesen Einstellungen leider bis heute nicht durch. Probleme hatte ich unter R5 und hatte - mit Erfolg - daher folgende Einträge in der NOTES.INI gemacht:
;StaticFont1=MS Sans Serif|0|22
UIFont=MS Sans Serif | -2 | 8
InfoboxFont=MS Sans Serif | -2 | 8
;DialogFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 9
;StatusBarFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8
Bitte zu beachten: Da sind drei Zeilen auskommentiert, also offensichtlich unnötig

In R6 waren keinerlei Zusätze inder NOTES.INI notwendig.
Für mich läuft das (unter XP) auf folgendes hinaus:
In R5 müssen die Defaults für UIFont und InfoboxFont überschrieben werden. In R6 ist nix notwendig.

Aber da kann ich mich natürlich auch mächtig irren. Semeaphoros bemängelte letztens Fontprobleme in meiner Urlaubs-DB unter R6 (Buhtong-Beschriftungen). Ich werde hier asap mal ein paar Tests unter XP / R6 fahren ;-)

Danke für Deine Bemühungen, Matthias, und wie immer ...
... herzliche Grüsse von Ober ... nach Nieder ...


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« Antwort #8 am: 24.01.04 - 15:20:04 »
Guter Hinweis:
Dazu aus der KBASE:
Fonts and Tabs Are Cut Off in Notes 5.0.3 Client Dialog Boxes When Running on Windows 2000 Platform


Microsoft changed the metrics of the default system font in Windows 2000, which adversely affected the way fonts appear in the Notes user interface (UI).

To work around this issue, parameters can be added to the Notes.ini, as follows:

-  The UIFont parameter addresses the agent and LotusScript font display issue.
-  The InfoboxFont parameter addresses the InfoBox font display issue depicted above.
-  Lotus Development recommends you add both of these parameters.

For English Language Systems:

UIFont=MS Sans Serif | 0 | 8
InfoboxFont = MS Sans Serif | 0 | 8

For Non-English Language Systems:

UIFont=MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8
InfoboxFont = MS Sans Serif | -1 | 8

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and was addressed in Notes 5.0.5 Client.

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #9 am: 24.01.04 - 15:20:58 »
Schon seltsam Bernhard.

Ich hatte diese Font-Probleme nur unter W2K.

Unter WinXP Prof.  (mit und ohne SP1)  hatte ich da noch nie was in der ini anpassen müssen. Darstellung identisch wie unter Win98 SE.
Clients: R5.0.8, R5.0.11, R6.0.2 CF1, R6.5

Auch Dir schöne Grüße zurück nach Ober... von Nieder.... :-)


A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

Offline MartinG

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #10 am: 24.01.04 - 17:43:03 »
Immer wieder gefragt sind mehrere Adressbücher - vor allem auch in der lokalen notes.ini...

Server-Adressbücher in der lokalen notes.ini:

Mit letzterem geht auch die Schnelladressierung was mit der Verzeichnisverwaltung nicht immer so toll bei mir funktioniert...

notes.ini lokal

$EnableAlarms = 1

Habe Anfang letzen Jahres bei sicherlich fünf Clients das Problem gehabt das sich das -von selber verstellt hat auf 0...


Wir leben zwar alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht den gleichen Horizont.

Offline TMC

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #11 am: 24.01.04 - 18:40:31 »
Vielleicht noch erwähnenswert:

Wie sieht eine "leere" Notes-ini aus, damit das Client-Setup startet (R5 und R6)?

Im Prinzip nimmt man eine bestehende ini und löscht alles unter InstallType.

So sollte die notes.ini dann aussehen:

Directory=D:\Daten\Notes ;Hier das Datenverzeichnis angeben!


A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

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  • Uh, I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.
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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #12 am: 24.01.04 - 19:07:26 »
$-Variable (muss mir dafür noch einen vernünftigen Namen ausdenken)

Benutzer(-definierte)variablen ???

Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.

Offline koehlerbv

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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #13 am: 24.01.04 - 19:43:33 »
benutzerdefinierte Variablen wäre - wie Thomas schon sagte - bestimmt der richtige Ausdruck.
Hinweis: Während mit @Environment immer "$" (warum eigentlich nicht € im guten "alten Europa" ?) vorangestellt wird, kann man dies in LS mit NotesSession.SetEnvironment auch unterdrücken.



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Re:Für Best Practices: NOTES.INI
« Antwort #14 am: 24.01.04 - 19:53:42 »
"Benutzerdefinierte Variable" - dasist eine gute Bezeichnung.
Bei Script werde ich auf den 2. optionalen Parameter (True = Systemvariable) hinweisen.
Aus mir unverständlichen Gründen geht es auch in R6 nicht, mit der Formelsprache Systemvariable zu lesen oder zu schreiben.
« Letzte Änderung: 24.01.04 - 19:53:54 von Glombi »


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Zu 6) Einschränkungen
« Antwort #15 am: 24.01.04 - 19:56:30 »
      Unable to Set a NOTES.INI Environment Variable That Is More than 62 Characters Equal to a Null Value
Product:   Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >  5.0, 4.6x
Platform(s):   Platform Independent
Document Number:   1087062   Date:   20.04.99

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
SPR Number   SPR Status   SPR Fixed Release
CRAO3V2JK6   No Plans to Fix   Not Applicable
You find that it is not possible to set environment variable that is greater than 62 characters equal to a null value in the NOTES.INI.

Steps to Recreate:

Create agent (run once) with the following formula:

value := @Prompt([OKCANCELEDIT]; "";"";"");

- Run the agent and enter data into the @Prompt dialog box.  The agent works correctly.
- Run the agent again, and click OK (with the @prompt empty).  The environment variable is deleted.
- Add a letter to the environment variable name and run the agent.  Under these circumstances, you find that cannot remove the entry by setting a zero value.  If you enter data into the @prompt, Notes adds another environment variable.  This second environment variable can cause the NOTES.INI to become very large and slow.  This situation can also cause applications to fail.

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.  This limitation is documented in the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 5.0 Release Notes.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 5.0 Release Notes:

It is recommended that the name of Environment variables be limited to less than 62 characters in the NOTES.INI file.
If an Environment variable names are set at 62 characters long, they can cause the NOTES.INI to become very large and slow down performance. It may also cause applications to fail.
If this happens, limit the name of the environment variable to less than 62 characters and clear the environment variable manually.


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Zu 6) Einschränkungen
« Antwort #16 am: 24.01.04 - 19:57:36 »
      @Environment Trims Extra Spaces when Returning Values from Notes.ini
Product:   Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >  5.x, 4.x
Platform(s):   Platform Independent
Document Number:   1087102   Date:   04.10.2001

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
SPR Number   SPR Status   SPR Fixed Release
CSAO3V9A9A   Not a Bug
Not a Bug   Not Applicable
Not Applicable
The @Environment function removes extra spaces when returning values from the Notes.ini.

If an environment variable is written to the Notes.ini that contains extra spaces, it is successfully recorded.  Such as:

"$MyVariable=this has extra    spaces"

However, when you retrieve this value using @Environment the extra spaces are removed.  The value that is returned is now "this has extra spaces".

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and it was determined to be working as intended. The @Environment function is designed to remove extra spaces in returned variables.

An enhancement request has been submitted to Lotus Quality Engineering requesting that @Environment always return values exactly as written, and does not remove extra spaces.

As a workaround it is possible to place special characters (for example @, %, or #) in the variable where spaces are desired, and then parse the variable after it is returned to replace the special characters with spaces.

Supporting Information:

Steps To Reproduce Problem:

To set the variable:
@Environment("MyVariable";"this has extra    spaces")

Notes.ini now reads as follows:
MyVariable=This has extra      spaces

To retrieve the variable:
value := @Environment("MyVariable");

The Value returned is "this has extra spaces".  Note that the spaces have been trimmed.


  • Gast
Zu 4) NOTES.INI Variable für iNotes, meistens undokumentiert
« Antwort #17 am: 24.01.04 - 20:00:28 »
      Notes.ini Variables for iNotes Web Access
Product:   Lotus iNotes  >  Lotus Domino Web Access  >  6.x, 5.x
Platform(s):   Platform Independent
Document Number:   1089521   Date:   19.01.2004

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
What Domino server Notes.ini variables affect Domino Web Access (a.k.a. iNotes Web Access)?

Note:  Notes.ini parameters applicable to Domino Web Access 6.5 and 6.0.3 (and higher) are appended to the bottom of this technote.

Note:  Notes.ini parameters are case sensitive on Unix platforms.

An article exists on the Lotus Developer Domain ( site which contains information regarding Notes.ini variables that affect iNotes Web Access.  The version of this article as of January 10, 2003 is copied below.  However, please keep in mind that the article may be updated on LDD when new variables are introduced.  The most current version of the article can be accessed at the following URL:

<< beginning of article >>
Variables that affect iNotes Web Access
Many customers have found Lotus iNotes Web Access an extremely useful new product. Thousands of people now use iNotes Web Access to open their Notes mail files through a Web browser. Amid all the excitement, however, administrators and technical users have started asking the inevitable question: How does iNotes Web Access affect my NOTES.INI file? This month's edition of Ask Professor INI is devoted to answering this question.

Q. Which server NOTES.INI variables affect iNotes Web Access?
When discussing NOTES.INI variables related to iNotes Web Access, it's important to distinguish between two types of settings:
New variables introduced with iNotes Web Access
Existing variables that have to be set a particular way so that iNotes Web Access runs properly

Most new variables are readily identified by the fact their names begin with iNotes_WA, for example iNotes_WA_MessageFormat. The majority of these are undocumented and/or unsupported variables, so if you encounter an iNotes Web Access variable not listed in this article, don't change it unless told to do so by Lotus Support.

Note: All iNotes Web Access variables must be set on the Domino server on which the Notes mail files reside. Do not add them to the user's local NOTES.INI file on the Notes client. Doing so will have no affect on iNotes Web Access and may cause Notes to run incorrectly.

New iNotes Web Access variables

The following lists new NOTES.INI variables introduced to support iNotes Web Access. Note that most of these variables have not been documented, although we do support them with all the usual caveats about exercising caution when modifying your NOTES.INI, of course.

First available in 5.0.8, this variable enables/disables the iNotes Web Access Active Content Filter. A setting of 1 disables the filter. Setting this variable to 0 (or omitting it from the server's NOTES.INI file) enables the filter. By default, this variable is set to 0.

First available in 5.0.9, this variable specifies the maximum number of names to return on a name validation. The default is 200.

First available in 5.0.10, this variable specifies the URL to redirect users to after logging out from the server, doing normal cache clearing with the iNotes control, and clearing browser credentials. This variable allows sites that have additional actions that need to happen on a logout (such as logging out from a reverse proxy server) to specify a URL to do this additional activity. Or you can use this variable to return people to an initial login page. This variable has no default value.

First available in 5.0.11, this variable determines whether to use the plain text editor or the rich text editor when composing mail messages. Setting this to 1 forces all users on the server to use the plain text editor only. By default, this variable is set to 0.

Existing iNotes Web Access related variables
In addition to the above, there are two existing NOTES.INI variables important to the successful operation of iNotes Web Access.

First available in 5.0.10, this variable specifies the name of the Domino Directory the user can take off-line. When this variable is set, an option appears on the user preference interface. For example, if NOTES.INI contains $DolsDirectoryCatalog=catalog.nsf, the user sees a new preference setting, "Include server's Name and Address Book." If the user enables this setting, the server's catalog.nsf will be included among the files when the user goes off-line. This variable is actually part of Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS). iNotes Web Access uses DOLS to allow users to work off-line. This variable has no default value.

First available in 5.0, this variable logs information about the Directory Cataloger task to the Miscellaneous Events view of the log file (LOG.NSF). This lets you monitor the Directory Catalog build process. This is a standard Domino NOTES.INI setting, described in the Domino Administrator's Guide.  Set this to 1 for iNotes Web Access. This variable has no default value.


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« Antwort #18 am: 24.01.04 - 20:00:51 »

Looking ahead
In a future release, we plan to allow you to set all the above NOTES.INI variables via the iNotes Web Access tab of the Server Configuration document. Also, we will add other variables specific to iNotes Web Access in Domino 6. If any of these are supported and made available to customers, Professor INI will update this column accordingly.

<< end of article >>

Supporting Information:

Additional Notes.ini Variables for Domino Web Access 6.5:

By default, Domino Web Access 6.5 uses compression (GZIP format) to reduce network bandwidth consumption and provide better performance, particularly for users with slow network connections. You can use the following NOTES.INI settings to turn GZIP compression on and off, and to specify the types of content to compress.
After compression, Domino Web Access generated pages are cached in the web server's page cache, which also improves server performance.
Use this setting to turn compression on and off. The default is 0 (on). For example, to turn off compression:
Use this setting to define which types of content you want to compress. The default is:
For example, to compress all text:
Use this setting to define which types of content you do not want compress. The default is:
For example to exclude XML data so that it will not be compressed:
Note:  You can also disable GZIP compression using the "Compress HTTP response data" setting on the Domino Web Access tab of the Configuration Settings document.
Additional Notes.ini Variables for Domino Web Access 6.0.3 and 6.5:

From the Notes/Domino 6.0.3 Release Notes:

Additional configuration settings for Domino Web Access
You can use the following NOTES.INI settings to customize your Domino Web Access sessions.
Syntax:  iNotes_WA_PortalLogout=value
Description:  Set to 1 to offer the logout option on portals.
0 - Disables this setting.
1 - Enables this setting.
Applies to:  Domino Web Access IE clients using the Domino Web Access Control
Default:  0
UI equivalent:  None
Syntax:  iNotes_WA_PortalOffline=value
Description:  Set to 1 to offer the offline option on portals.
0 - Disables this setting.
1 - Enables this setting.
Applies to:  Domino Web Access IE clients using the Domino Web Access Control
Default:  0
UI equivalent:  None
Syntax:  iNotes_WA_PortalSkipEndIESession=value
Description:  Use this setting to avoid logging out of other web applications when logging out of Domino Web Access during a portal session (when using &ui=portal  session).
0 - Disables this setting.
1 - Enables this setting.
Applies to:  Domino Web Access IE clients using the Domino Web Access Control
Default:  0
UI equivalent:  None
Syntax:  iNotes_WA_SessionCheck=value
Description:  Allows Domino Web Access clients to detect whether a connection to the server is present before submitting requests. This setting incurs an additional HTTP request on every POST operation, but helps greatly reduce the likelihood of lost user data due to the Web server being down or network problems.
0 - Disables this setting.
1 - Enables this setting.
Applies to:  Domino Web Access IE clients using the Domino Web Access Control
Default:  0
UI equivalent:  None
Syntax:  iNotes_WA_SkipEndIESession=value
Description:  Use this setting to avoid issues with other open Web pages being negatively impacted by a Domino Web Access logout.  When the Domino Web Access control is in use, Domino Web Access makes a call to end the IE session as part of a Domino Web Access logout. This clears any login credentials stored in IE memory and in memory cookies being used within this IE process (or any child processes spawned from this process). It is preferable for users to log in to other web sites through a separate instance of IE, instead of using this setting. Users can start the additional instances from the desktop, the quick launch toolbar, or the start menu. When users start additional instances in this way, logging out of Domino Web Access does impact the other IE windows.
0 - Disables this setting.
1 - Enables this setting.
Applies to:  Domino Web Access IE clients using the Domino Web Access Control
Default:  0
UI equivalent:  None


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Zu 4) Undokumentiert
« Antwort #19 am: 30.01.04 - 13:37:12 »

unterdrückt das automatische Design Update des Domino Directory
seit R6
undokumentierte Variable
Quelle: Daniel Nashed


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