Autor Thema: Security package software error #1  (Gelesen 1836 mal)

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Security package software error #1
« am: 14.01.04 - 09:02:25 »

Ich bekomme beim Umbenennen eines Benutzers folgenden Fehler in der Certlog:
Security package software error #1
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Re:Security package software error #1
« Antwort #1 am: 14.01.04 - 09:12:53 »
Aus der KBASE:

      Error Attempting to Rename a User with a Space in First Name: "Security Package Software Error #1"
Product:   Lotus Domino  >  Lotus Domino Server  >  5.x
Platform(s):   Windows NT
Document Number:   1099140   Date:   18.04.2001

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
SPR Number   SPR Status   SPR Fixed Release
LFAR4UTSAD   Open/Reproduced   Not Applicable
When attempting to rename a user that has a space in the First Name field and a middle initial as part of the First Name, the rename fails.  The following error is generated in the Certification log under the Updates Status view:

"Security package software error#1"

For example, this error can be reproduced by doing the following:
- Register a user with a first name such as "John A" and a last name as "Smith"
- Once registered, rename the user to First Name "John", Middle Initial "A" and Last Name "Smith".
- The error should appear in the Certlog database.

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.  It has been found that the rename fails only when the user is renamed by removing the space and the letter from the "First name" field and placing the letter in the "Middle initial" field.  If nothing is placed in the "Middle initial" field, the error will not occur and the rename will be successful.

To work around the issue, rename the user without placing an initial in the "Middle initial" field.  If a middle initial is needed, rename the user again and add the middle initial in the "Middle initial" field.

Supporting Information:

This was discovered by a customer running release 5.0.3.  Testing was completed on a release 5.0.6a server and the failure was the same.  The customer had created the user with the space in the first name because he had two users with the same first and last names.



  • Gast
Re:Security package software error #1
« Antwort #2 am: 14.01.04 - 09:14:31 »
und das:

      AdminP Does Not Change Last Name on Hierarchy Move
Product:   Lotus Domino  >  Lotus Domino Server  >  5.x
Platform(s):   Platform Independent
Document Number:   1084724   Date:   06.04.2002

This document is based on the following :
About SPRs
SPR Number   SPR Status   SPR Fixed Release
DWIN4JATTE   Resolved/Fixed   Domino Server 5.0.5
When using the Administration Process (AdminP) to move users from one Notes domain to another, AdminP processes the user and correctly changes the user's name in the Email address column of the Domino Directory (Names.NSF) in the People view, however, it does not change the user's name under the Name column.

Additionally, when trying to rename the user with the "Change common name" button, the following error is generated in the Certification log:

"Security Package Software Error#1"

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in Domino release 5.0.5.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.5 QMR fix list:

Server - Administration Process

SPR# DWIN4JATTE - Fixed a problem where the Administration Process would not correctly change a person's name when both a hierarchy move and last name change was requested in the same operation.

Supporting Information:

To move users to a different domain, select the following from the Actions menu in the Domino Directory:

- Rename Selected People.
- Request Move to New Certifier.
- Enter the original Certifier Name.
- Enter the new Certifier Name.
- Check "Allow primary name to be changed when name is moved."


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