Autor Thema: QNC.exe.....Problem!  (Gelesen 6834 mal)

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« am: 13.05.02 - 09:58:37 »
Ich habe seid kuzem Probleme mit div. Programmen.Immer wenn ich die Programme (zb. ARCServe2000,SP3) starte ,geht ein Fenster auf mit der QNC.EXE und das gestartete Programm schließt sich wieder. Lotus läuft wie gewohnt weiter.Kann mir einer Helfen. Wofür ist die QNC.exe und wie bekomme ich dieses Fehler in den Griff?
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: QNC.exe.....Problem!
« Antwort #1 am: 13.05.02 - 10:58:09 »
Hi Frigo,

der QNC ist so eine Art Fehlerdebugger - wenn Du Ihn startetst erhälst Du Infos welches File und wo (Adresse) einen Fehler verursacht hat.  Ähnlich wie die Windows Schutzverletzung - hier halt für Notes.
Wahrscheinlich beißt sich Notes mit irgend einer Anwendung ???

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: QNC.exe.....Problem!
« Antwort #2 am: 13.05.02 - 11:20:47 »
Mein Tip ... QNC löschen und weiter arbeiten  ::)
Das Müllding hat mir auch schon viele Probleme bereitet wo gar keine waren ...  >:(

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: QNC.exe.....Problem!
« Antwort #3 am: 13.05.02 - 11:31:23 »
ich hab den folgenden Beitrag von unserem SysAdmin. Leider in English aber trotzdem..:
Lotus Notes RIP

If you're like most users of Lotus Notes on one of the Windows platforms,
there have probably been occasions when you've been working away on your
computer when all of a sudden one or more applications stops working and
Windows tells you that a NOTES.RIP file is being created. This might even
have happened without Notes running at the time. This tip will tell you
what has happened and how to prevent it from happening again.
Every Windows computer has a built in debugging application called Dr.
Watson. When Windows is installed, Dr. Watson is made the default debugger
-- and it is supposed to intercept a failing program and capture debug
information. When you or your Notes administrator installed Lotus Notes,
the default Dr. Watson debugger was replaced with a program from Lotus
called QNC.EXE, which almost everyone pronounces as "Quincy".
When Notes (or most other applications) fails, QNC intervenes and tries to
save as much information as possible about what went wrong into a text
file. The NOTES.RIP file (yes, it does stand for "Rest In Peace") contains
this debugging information to allow developers to try and figure out what
failed. Even if Lotus Notes isn't running when a program crashes, QNC makes
it look like Notes is in some way related to the error. A further problem
is the QNC itself can cause problems with other applications. Even if QNC
isn't causing problems, it doesn't let you see what the real problem is
without analyzing the .RIP file.

The best thing to do is permanently disable QNC. To do this you should pop
up a DOS window and change to the directory where Notes was installed. Once
in that directory (usually C:\NOTES), type the following command "QNC -U"
(without the quotes) and press enter. That's it! You'll receive a message
informing you that Quincy has been uninstalled as the default application
debugger". From now you should have fewer program crashes and if you do you
won't get a NOTES.RIP file.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
Domino 5.0.8 auf SP6a
Notes 5.0.8;5.0.9 auf SP6a

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Re: QNC.exe.....Problem!
« Antwort #4 am: 14.05.02 - 11:47:57 »
Man kann QNC auch abstellen ohne, ihn zu löschen.

hier die hilfe aus qnc -?

 *          Quincy for Win32  Rev 2.00          *
 *  Copyright 1995-7, Lotus Development Corp.   *
 *             All rights reserved              *
Portions Copyright (C) 1985-1993 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Usage: QNC [progname] [-i] [-u] [-g] [-p pid] [-e event] [-?]
          [-w CmdShow] [-c options]

   progname    Name of program to monitor for traps
   -i          Install Quincy as the default application error debugger
   -u          Uninstall Quincy as the default application error debugger
   -g          Ignored but provided as compatibility with WINDBG & NTSD
   -p pid      Process ID to debug
   -e event    Event to signal for process attach completion
   -?          This screen
   -w CmdShow  Tells Quincy to pass this CmdShow value to the launched program.
               CmdShow tells the program how it should be displayed (e.g., minimized,
               maximized, etc.) and should be a decimal value.
   -c options  The remainder of the command line is passed as options to the program.

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: QNC.exe.....Problem!
« Antwort #5 am: 22.05.02 - 17:43:31 »
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »


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