Autor Thema: Fehlermeldung beim Öffnen einer Mail  (Gelesen 1405 mal)

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Fehlermeldung beim Öffnen einer Mail
« am: 23.05.02 - 16:17:59 »
Wenn ich eine Mail öffnen will kommt der Fehler Illegal circular USE: Email Processing

Wenn ich die Gestaltung aktualisiere egal ob von Lokal oder vom Server passiert nichts also gebt mir bitte einen anderen Tip !

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: Fehlermeldung beim Öffnen einer Mail
« Antwort #1 am: 23.05.02 - 17:28:42 »
OK, hier die Dokumente aus der Knowledgebase

"Illegal Circular USE: EmailProcessing" Error When Opening a Document After Upgrading to R5


A customer upgraded their Domino server from 4.6.1 to 5.0.6 and upgraded their clients to 5.0.7.  The upgrade was done using Load Convert.  Now, when opening a particular document, the customer receives the following error message:

"Illegal circular USE: EmailProcessing".

In a mixed R4 / R5 environment, when an R4 user sends an email to an R5 user, the R5 user receives the error "Illegal circular USE: Email Processing".  After choosing OK several times, the message will display.  The R4 user has Stored Forms enabled.

Steps to reproduce this issue:

1.      Create an R4.6.7 mail file and R5.0.8 mail for use with a Domino 5.0.8 server.
2.      In an R4 Notes client, enable the use of Stored Forms in the user's mail file.
3.      Send several documents to both R4.6.7 and R5.0.8 users.
4.      Notice that R4 users can open the document, but R5 users cannot; they receive the error noted above.


This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.  It is due to the requirement of the EmailProcessing script library in the R4.6 Memo form stored in the document.  This script library does not exist in the R5 mailfile design.  To work around this issue, the Stored Forms can be removed.

Refer to the document titled, "How to Fix Old Documents that Have "Store Form in Document" Selected" (#112892 ) for more information.

How to Fix Old Documents that Have "Store Form in Document" Selected


Changes to a form do not affect previously composed documents if the form uses Store form in document.  That is, older documents in the database do not reflect the new Form changes.  How can you update the documents to reflect changes made to the form?


For Notes Release 4.x:

1.      Create an agent with the following settings:
-      When should this agent run:   Manually from the Action Menu
-      Which document(s) should it run on?:   All documents in the database
-      Formula:
SELECT $TITLE="Form Name";
FIELD $TITLE:=@DeleteField;
FIELD $INFO:=@DeleteField;
FIELD $BODY:=@DeleteField;
FIELD FORM:="Form Name";

2.      Refresh the affected documents.
     Notes 4.x does not have a menu option to execute Tools, Refresh Fields.  You must create a SmartIcon that executes the @Command for either "ToolsRefreshAllDocs" or "ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs".   (The "ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs" command is preferred when you need to update only certain documents, but you need a method to select those documents (such as a view with a selection formula).)

     Steps to create a SmartIcon that executes the "ToolsRefresh" command:

a.      From the menu, select File, Tools, SmartIcons.
b.      Select "Edit Icon."
c.      Scroll to the end of the icon list.
d.      Select an icon labeled "Macro Button."
e.      Edit the description field to read "ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs" or "ToolsRefreshAllDocs".
f.      Select Formula.
g.      Select "Add @Command."
h.      Select either "ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs" or "ToolsRefreshAllDocs."
i.      Select Paste.
j.      Select OK.
k.      Select Done.

For Notes Release 3.x:

The Application Developer's Reference (yellow cover, page 6-12) discusses a macro which removes the Store Form in Document attributes.  The documentation left out the use of the formula keyword FIELD, the macro should use the following syntax:

SELECT $TITLE="Form Name";
FIELD $TITLE:=@DeleteField;
FIELD $INFO:=@DeleteField;
FIELD $BODY:=@DeleteField;
FIELD FORM:="Form Name";

Once the macro is run, perform Tools, Refresh Fields to update the documents with the new form attributes.

« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!


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