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"Ungültiges Dokumentkennzeichen"
« am: 08.12.03 - 10:24:35 »
Hallo Leute,

wenn ich mit einem Browser auf ein Dokument in einer Notes-DB zugreife erhalte ich bei einem Dokument die nachfolgende Fehlermeldung:

"HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Ungültiges Dokumentkennzeichen"

Woran kann dies liegen?


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Re:"Ungültiges Dokumentkennzeichen"
« Antwort #1 am: 08.12.03 - 10:28:00 »
Aus der KBASE:


Product Area:   Domino Server   Date:   14.04.1998
Product Release:   Domino Server 4.6x   Document #:   160068
Category:   Internet\\Web Applications\\Application Design      
This document has been provided by the following
Lotus Business Partner:
Mike Woolsey at Solutions By Design

This technical document was written and tested by a Lotus Business Partner.  Lotus has not technically verified the information and is not suggesting its use.  This information is provided solely to help identify or resolve technical issues.  Non-Disclosure and Copyright obligations apply to this material.  You may not reproduce or distribute this material without the author's permission.

"Invalid Document Identifier" Error Opening Document on a Domino Server with Web Browser


You attempt to access a document on a Domino HTTP server and the following error displays:

Error 500: Invalid document identifier

In the server log, the following entry appears:

12/19/97 03:08:24 PM  HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Invalid document identifier [/TEO/dbfilename.nsf/7b86a62b1c376adf852564eb008000b8/2d92f71776b4837a8525656a0077bcc4?OpenDocument]

These errors display even though you have verified that the view and document UNID's (the first and second large numbers separated by slashes in the URL above) exist in the database.  You may or may not be able to open the document.


These errors will display if the Notes form used to display the document is corrupt.  If you can open the document in Notes, the form may be only slightly corrupt.  If you can't open the document in Notes, the form is largely corrupt.
If you can open the form in design mode, correct the corruption by selecting Edit, Select All from the menu to select all elements within the form's design and then select Edit, Copy to copy most of the design to the clipboard.  Then, you need to create a new form, and copy and paste each of the elements into the new form.


  • Gast
Re:"Ungültiges Dokumentkennzeichen"
« Antwort #2 am: 08.12.03 - 10:31:05 »
Product Area:   Domino Server   Date:   07.07.1999
Product Release:   Domino Server 4.6x   Document #:   157812
Category:   Internet\\Web Applications\\Application Design      
.   This document is based on the following
   Software Problem Report(s):   About SPRs
SPR Number:
   No Plans to Fix in This Release
Duplicate Report
Duplicate Report   Fixed in:
      Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Error: "Invalid Document Identifier" Accessing Meeting Documents with Read Public Document Access


You are listed in the ACL of a Mail file with No Access, but have access to public documents in that Mail file through the "Read Public Documents" ACL option.  You access the Mail file over the web to look at the Calendar view.  If you double click on a meeting document to look at the details of the entry, the following error message displays:

"HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Invalid Document Identifier"


This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.  The issue occurs because the Appointment form has a $$QueryOpenAgent field that causes an agent to run when opening the document.  Users with No Access in the ACL can not run agents.

One workaround would be to give Reader access in the ACL to the person who needs to access your calander; however, there is a major caveat with this workaround.  Giving a user Reader access in the ACL provides the user with the ability to read all documents that are available in a view.  To prevent the reading of specific documents, the Manager of the mail file could change the "Who Can Read this Document" option on the Security tab of the Document Properties dialog box.  By default, a document is readable by "All Readers and Above," but the Manager could deselect that option and list only him or herself as an allowed reader of the document.  To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the Document Properties dialog box by selecting File, Document Properties from the menu..
2. Switch to the Security (Key) tab.
3. Deselect the "All Readers and Above" checkbox.
4. Select your name from the list as the only allowed reader of the document.


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