Autor Thema: Falsches Datumsformat  (Gelesen 1760 mal)

Offline Polarbaer

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Falsches Datumsformat
« am: 23.10.03 - 13:38:40 »

wir haben ein 6.03 er Cluster auf w2k. Der eine Server zeigt das Datum richtig 22.10.03 und der andere zeigt 10/22/03 . Die Server laufen als Service. Wir haben schon die Registry
(HKEY_USER/.Default/Control Panel/International) verglichen und auch die Eintraege in der Notes.INI (Timezone=-1, DST=1; ZONE_SET=1). Mir fällt nichts mehr ein. Kennt das Problem jemand und hat einen Tip fuer mich?
Tausend Dank!

Offline Myron

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Re:Falsches Datumsformat
« Antwort #1 am: 23.10.03 - 15:24:23 »

Ich hatte mal ein ähnliches Probelm auf einem Domino Server und Unix

Ich habe mir mit Notes.ini eintellungen am Server geholfen die Lauten:


Jetzt zeigt dieser das Datum richtig!  ;D

Einst sagte mal ein IBMler zu Gates.. : Junger Mann, Geld macht man mit Hardware.. :-) Hohoho

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Re:Falsches Datumsformat
« Antwort #2 am: 23.10.03 - 21:02:48 »
Der Beitrag von Myron sollte es schon gewesen sein.
Ich habe mal bei "Dr. INI" nachgexschaut, hier ein Extrakt:

Controlling the format of time and date information
There are variables that determine how the date and time appear in Notes and Domino. Domino administrators in countries other than the United States, especially, may want to change the time and date format to reflect the format they are used to. The following variables let Domino administrators change these settings on their Domino servers. The only way to change these settings is through editing the NOTES.INI file.

ClockType, for UNIX servers only, specifies whether the Domino server clock displays time in 12-hour format (AM and PM) or 24-hour format (sometimes called military time). A value of 12_HOUR sets the clock type as 12-hour; a value of 24_HOUR sets the clock type as 24-hour. If this setting is not used, the Domino server displays 12-hour time. The syntax is ClockType=value.

DateOrder lets administrators change the date format for any server platform. You can specify the order in which you want the month (M), date (D), and year (Y) to appear. The syntax is DateOrder=value, where the value is any permutation of DMY. The default order is MDY.

For example, to change the date format to that used in the United Kingdom, where the day comes first, you enter the following in your NOTES.INI file:


This will give you dates in the format 29.11.2000. Conversely, a value of MDY would render that date 11.29.2000.

DateSeparator and TimeSeparator
You can also choose the time and date separators you want to use, by using the variables DateSeparator and TimeSeparator. You can use any characters you want as separators. For example, if you enter the following settings in your NOTES.INI file:


then the date will be rendered as 29/11/2000. Similarly, you could set your time as follows:


Then a time value of 2 pm, for example, would be rendered as 14:00:00.



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