Autor Thema: R5 und Anzahl der Ordner bzw. Ansichten  (Gelesen 1482 mal)

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R5 und Anzahl der Ordner bzw. Ansichten
« am: 09.10.03 - 15:06:16 »
Hallo an Alle,

weiß jemand von euch ob die Anzahl der Ordner inkl. Ansichten in der Mailbox begrenzt ist ?

z.b auf 256 Ornder oder so ?

Grüße und Danke ,

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Re:R5 und Anzahl der Ordner bzw. Ansichten
« Antwort #1 am: 10.10.03 - 10:42:12 »

eigentlich ist mir da nichts bekannt.
Aber gestatte mir eine Frage: Wer braucht mehr als 256 (!) Ordner und Ansichten??

Gruß Henning
Gruß Henning

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Re:R5 und Anzahl der Ordner bzw. Ansichten
« Antwort #2 am: 10.10.03 - 11:04:24 »
mW ist die Anzahl unbegrenzt
kaskadierende Ansichten können max. bis zu 200 Ebenen tief verschachtelt sein
Vielleicht verdirbt Geld wirklich den Charakter.
Auf keinen Fall aber macht Mangel an Geld ihn besser.
(John Steinbeck)

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Re:R5 und Anzahl der Ordner bzw. Ansichten
« Antwort #3 am: 10.10.03 - 13:37:03 »
für Ordner scheint es eine Begrenzung zu geben:
oder auch:

Für den Rest:
Know the limits of the design elements

Domino Designer is the integrated application development environment which lets developers and web site designers create, manage, and deploy secure, interactive applications for the Domino Server. Like any piece of software there are limits. Although most developers will never run into the these limits, it's good to know what they are. The table below lists limitations of various design elements.
Feature test Limit
What is the maximum size of a database? The maximum OS file size limit - (up to 64GB)

What is the maximum size of text fields? 15KB (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum size of a rich text field? Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph in a rich text field? 64KB
How many levels of responses in a hierarchical view; how many documents at each level? 31 levels; 300,000 documents
How many characters are allowed in names for views, forms, and so on? Database Title: 96 bytes
On Windows and Unix platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits;
on local Macintosh workstation 31
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Agent names: 32
How many fields in a database? ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 64K uniquely-named fields in the database, but certain features that use the list of all field names will not work properly such as full-text querying, the Designer's list of field names, and agents that modify by form.
How many columns can be included in one table? 64
How many rows can be included in one table? 255
How many views can be added to a database? No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
How many forms can be added to a database? Limited only by database size.
How many columns are allowed in a view? 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
How many documents can be imported into a view? Documents totaling at least 350K
How many cascading views are allowed in a database? 200
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for margin size? 46
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for page size cropping? 46
What is the maximum point size you can select/print? 250
How many documents are allowed in one view? Maximum of 130MB for a view index
What is the maximum number of documents that can be exported to Tabular Text? Limited only by available disk space
What is the maximum number of entries in an Access Control List? ~950 names (ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes)
What is the maximum number of roles in an Access Control List? 75 Roles
What's the maximum password length allowed on an ID? 63 characters
What is the maximum number of users to have authorized passwords on a multiple password ID? 8 users
How many outline entries can an outline have? ~21,000 entries
How many outlines in a database? There is no limit.
How many framesets in a database? There is no limit.
How many action buttons in an action bar? 50 (incl. hidden + cascading!)
Gruß und schönes Wochenende


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