Autor Thema: Code verbergen  (Gelesen 1663 mal)

Offline Gravedigger

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Code verbergen
« am: 06.10.03 - 13:46:16 »

wie kann ich z. B. in einem Agenten den Code verbergen?

Client R 8.5.1 bis R 9.0.1 FP9 (ab Win 7 Prof.)
Server R 9.0.1 FP 6 (Win 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition x64)

Offline meichhorner

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Re:Code verbergen
« Antwort #1 am: 06.10.03 - 14:00:37 »
Schau mal in die Designer Hilfe  ;)

%Include directive  

At compile time, inserts the contents of an ASCII file into the module where the directive appears.
%Include fileName
A string literal whose value is a file name; you can optionally include a path.
If you omit the file name extension, LotusScript assumes .lss. To include a file that has no extension, include a period at the end of the file name. For example:
%Include "orfile."
This prevents LotusScript from adding the .lss extension to the file name.
The %Include directive must be the only item on a line, except for an optional trailing comment. It must be followed by white space (a space character, a tab character, or a newline character).
If you don't specify a path for the included file, the search path depends on the specific Lotus product you're using.
An included file can itself contain %Include directives. You can nest up to 16 files.
At compile time, LotusScript replaces the %Include directive with the entire contents of the named file. They are then compiled as part of the current script.
If a run-time error occurs in a statement in an included file, the line number reported is that of the %Include directive.
If a compile-time error occurs in a statement in an included file, the file name and the line number within that included file are reported with the error.
The file you include must be a text file containing only LotusScript statements. If anything in the included file cannot be compiled, LotusScript generates a compiler error.
If the file is not found, LotusScript generates an error.
Martin Eichhorner
Schulungen zu Lotus Notes Domino 5 & 6 z.B. Westösterreich(A), Ostschweiz(CH), Bodenseeraum(D)
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Offline koehlerbv

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Re:Code verbergen
« Antwort #2 am: 06.10.03 - 18:27:50 »
Was bedeutet das "zum Beispiel" in Deiner Frage ?
Wie liegt der Code vor ? @functions, LotusScript, JavaScript, Java ?

Falls Du das komplette Design einer DB verbergen willst, guckst Du in die DesignerHelp und suchst nach
gestaltung AND verbergen


PS: Für das Verbergen von LS in Agents (und ScriptLibs u.a.) hat Martin ja schon alles übermittelt.

Offline Gravedigger

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Re:Code verbergen
« Antwort #3 am: 07.10.03 - 09:08:08 »
Danke für eure Hilfe
Client R 8.5.1 bis R 9.0.1 FP9 (ab Win 7 Prof.)
Server R 9.0.1 FP 6 (Win 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition x64)


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