Autor Thema: teile von ls sperren  (Gelesen 1640 mal)

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teile von ls sperren
« am: 26.09.03 - 00:54:02 »

gibt es die möglichkeit in einer db, script zu sperren, so dass es nicht mehr sichbar ist?

eine aufwendige aktion für die db eines kunden soll für den kunden nicht sichtbar in seiner db implementiert werden

kunde hat natürlich alle rechte für seine db (developer etc.) und muss weiterhin die designelemente aller anderen objekte bearbeiten können nur eben nicht die eine aktion.

danke für feedback

danke lio

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Re:teile von ls sperren
« Antwort #1 am: 26.09.03 - 01:51:14 »
Kein Problem: LS in ein ASCII-File exportieren (sehr einfach über Synopsis zu erreichen) und das Ascii-File mit %include dateiname einbinden, dann ist in der DB selber nur der compilierte Code und kein Quelltext drin.
Jens-B. Augustiny

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Re:teile von ls sperren
« Antwort #2 am: 26.09.03 - 08:45:33 »

steht alles ausführlich in der Designer Hilfe ;)

%Include directive  

At compile time, inserts the contents of an ASCII file into the module where the directive appears.
%Include fileName
A string literal whose value is a file name; you can optionally include a path.
If you omit the file name extension, LotusScript assumes .lss. To include a file that has no extension, include a period at the end of the file name. For example:
%Include "orfile."
This prevents LotusScript from adding the .lss extension to the file name.
The %Include directive must be the only item on a line, except for an optional trailing comment. It must be followed by white space (a space character, a tab character, or a newline character).
If you don't specify a path for the included file, the search path depends on the specific Lotus product you're using.
An included file can itself contain %Include directives. You can nest up to 16 files.
At compile time, LotusScript replaces the %Include directive with the entire contents of the named file. They are then compiled as part of the current script.
If a run-time error occurs in a statement in an included file, the line number reported is that of the %Include directive.
If a compile-time error occurs in a statement in an included file, the file name and the line number within that included file are reported with the error.
The file you include must be a text file containing only LotusScript statements. If anything in the included file cannot be compiled, LotusScript generates a compiler error.
If the file is not found, LotusScript generates an error.

Martin Eichhorner
Schulungen zu Lotus Notes Domino 5 & 6 z.B. Westösterreich(A), Ostschweiz(CH), Bodenseeraum(D)
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