Autor Thema: Notes unter Citrix? (Terminalserver)  (Gelesen 2686 mal)

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Notes unter Citrix? (Terminalserver)
« am: 03.07.02 - 11:36:06 »
Habe ein Problem. ???

Wir werden Notes 5.0.10-Clients unter Citrix Terminalserver fahren.
Problem ist, das dort die Benutzer bei normaler Installation alle dieselbe Notes.Ini benutzen würden.
Frage: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Notes.ini in ein anderes Verzeichniss zu setzten als das Standardinstallationsverzeichniss?  :-[
Oder aber gibt es andere Erfahrungswerde bzgl. Notes unter Citrix.
Danke im vorhinein.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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Re: Notes unter Citrix? (Terminalserver)
« Antwort #1 am: 03.07.02 - 11:45:06 »
Spot this:

Implementing Windows 2000 Terminal Services and Citrix MetaFrame on IBM Netfinity Servers

4.6.6 Notes R5
Notes R5 provides e-mail and groupware services to users.

1. Log on to the server as Administrator and ensure no users are currently accessing the server.
2. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
3. Click Add New Programs.
4. Click CD or Floppy.
5. Click Next.
6. Run the Lotus Notes 5 install program setup.exe from the CD-ROM.
7. Click Next to continue on the first Notes install screen.
8. Click Yes to accept the Notes licensing agreement.
9. Enter the company name in the appropriate fields. Do not enter a user?s name in either field as data entered here will be seen by all users.
10.Click the check box Shared install.
11.Enter the destination folder as D:\APPS\Lotus\Notes.
12.Notes installation will now copy files to the hard drive.
13.Click Finish when completed.
14. Create a folder on the server called r5clienttemplate. Share the folder using the same name for the share and set Permissions to give Read access to everyone.
15. Connect the standard user?s home letter to this share. Enter the command: NET USE U:\\AUTS03 \R5CLIENTTEMPLATE for example.
16. Run the D:\APPS\Lotus\Notes\setup.exe Notes installation program.
17. Click Next to continue on the first Notes install screen.
18. Click Yes to accept licensing of Notes.
19. Click Next to accept the existing Company name field.
20. Change the destination folder from C:\Lotus\Notes\Data to
H:\Lotus\Notes\Data and click Next, where H: is the letter of all users? home drive.
21.Click Finish when completed. Do not launch Notes now.
22.After the program has been installed, click Finish on the Add/Remove Programs window.
23.Using Windows Explorer, cut and paste C:\WTSRV\NOTES.INI (equivalent to moving the file) to the directory H:\Lotus\Notes.
24.Create a common desktop icon for all users to run Notes:
a. From the Windows Explorer menu, select File > New > Shortcut.
b. Enter D:\APPS\Lotus\Notes\Notes.exe in the location field and click Next.
c. Enter Lotus Notes in the name field and click Finish.
25.Still in Windows Explorer, right-click on the newly created Lotus Notes shortcut.
26.Select Properties and then select the Shortcut tab.
27.Set the Start in: field to H:\Lotus\Notes.
28.Copy the contents of the r5clienttemplate directory (including the Notes folder within that folder) to each user?s home directory (or H: drive). This is a standard Lotus Notes administration task.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »

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  • Frischling
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Re: Notes unter Citrix? (Terminalserver)
« Antwort #2 am: 03.07.02 - 11:50:51 »
Danke.  Das hilft!
« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »


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Re: Notes unter Citrix? (Terminalserver)
« Antwort #3 am: 03.07.02 - 12:40:30 »
wir nutzen einfach anstatt einer notes.ini eine citrix.ini. Die Verknüpfung unter Citrix verzweigt dann auf die citrix.ini.


« Letzte Änderung: 01.01.70 - 01:00:00 von 1034200800 »


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