Autor Thema: Letzte Replikaton anzeigen  (Gelesen 4196 mal)

Offline MrMagoo

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Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« am: 23.05.03 - 09:15:21 »
Hallo, ist es möglich in einer Maske das Datum der Letzten Replikation anzuzeigen. So ähnlich wie z.B. @now oder so etwas in der Art.


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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #1 am: 23.05.03 - 09:40:01 »

Hi MrMagoo
in einer extra Db oder in derselben ?

ansonsten rechte Maustaste auf DB Symbol unter Eigenschaften kann man sich das Replizierprotokoll anzeigen lassen

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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #2 am: 23.05.03 - 09:47:26 »
Schon in derselben Datenbank, aber ich möchte das letzte Replizierdatum in einer Maske ausgeben. So wie mit @now das aktuelle Datum ausgegeben wird.

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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #3 am: 23.05.03 - 09:56:59 »
- guck dir die database.ReplicationInfo Funktion an und die NotesReplication Klasse  

Wir können alles außer hochdeutsch !

Alles ist möglich, es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit oder des Geldes!

Offline MrMagoo

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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #4 am: 23.05.03 - 11:27:21 »
Hm, für alle die es interessiert es ist mit LS z.B. möglich den Intervall in dem Doks auf der Replik gelöscht werden anzuzeigen aber das letzte Replizierdatum sprich die History wohl nicht

This script displays the cut off interval in the replication settings of a database.
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim rep As NotesReplication
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set rep = db.ReplicationInfo
Messagebox rep.cutoffinterval
Call rep.Save()


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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #5 am: 23.05.03 - 11:33:37 »
Hier ist der Code:

' Notes API constants
Const MAXPATH=256
' custom type for storing individual replication history entries
   RepTime As String
   ServerName As String
   FileName As String
   Direction As String
End Type

' Notes API types (based on C structs)
   Innards1 As Long
   Innards2 As Long
End Type

   ReplicationTime As TIMEDATE
   AccessLevel As Integer
   AccessFlags As Integer
   Direction As Integer
   ServerNameOffset As Long
   ServerNameLength As Integer
   FileNameLength As Integer
   Spare1 As Long
   Spare2 As Long
End Type

' Notes API declares
Declare Sub OSPathNetConstruct Lib "nnotes" (Byval portName$, Byval ServerName$, Byval FileName$, Byval retPathName$)
Declare Function NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary% Lib "nnotes" (Byval hDb&, Byval Flags&,  rethSummary&, retNumEntries&)
Declare Function NSFDbOpen% Lib "nnotes" (Byval PathName$, hDB&)
Declare Function NSFDbClose% Lib "nnotes" (Byval hDB&)
Declare Function OSMemFree% Lib "nnotes" (Byval Handle&)
Declare Function OSLockObject& Lib "nnotes" (Byval nHandle&)
Declare Function OSUnlockObject% Lib "nnotes" (Byval nHandle&)
Declare Function ConvertTIMEDATEToText% Lib "nnotes" (Byval intFormat&, Byval TextFormat&,  InputTime As TIMEDATE, Byval retTextBuffer$, Byval TextBufferLength%, retTextLength%)
Declare Function OSLoadString% Lib "nnotes" (Byval hModule&, Byval StringCode%, Byval retBuffer$, BufferLength%)
' Win32 API declares
Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As REPLHIST_SUMMARY, Byval pSource&, Byval dwLength&)
Declare Sub CopyMemoryStr Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Byval pDest$, Byval pSource&, Byval dwLength&)

Function GetReplHistory(db As NotesDatabase, sList() As String, lEntries&) As Integer
' This function returns the replication history for a database in the same format as you would see
' by selecting "File - Replication - History" (and clicking Server name radio button) in the Notes R5 client.
' The function has (3) parameters:
'   1. db (NotesDatabase) - [Input] Indicates the database you wish to open
'   2. sList (String array) - [Output] Returns array of strings that will hold the formatted history
'   3. lEntries (Long) - [Output] Returns the number of entries returned from the NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary call
' The function itself returns an integer. If no errors are found, it returns a 0. Otherwise, it returns the error
' code returned by the Notes API.
   Dim hDb&, hLock&, hSummary&
   Dim nLoop%, cbReturn%, nPos%, nRetCode%
   Dim sPath$, sHold$, sRepTime$, sTemp$, sServer$, sFileName$
   Dim summary As REPLHIST_SUMMARY
   Dim entry() As HIST_ENTRY
   Dim nm As NotesName
' what to return if no errors are found
' prepare a string for API call
' create an API-friendly path to the db and open it
   OSPathNetConstruct "", db.Server, db.FilePath, sPath$
   nRetCode%=NSFDbOpen(sPath$, hDb&)
   If nRetCode% <> 0 Then
      GetReplHistory = nRetCode%
' get handle to replication history summary (sorted by server name)
      nRetCode%=NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary(hDb&, 0, hSummary&, lEntries&)
      If nRetCode% <> 0 Then
         GetReplHistory = nRetCode%
' process only if there are entries in the history summary
         If lEntries& > 0 Then
            Redim entry(lEntries& - 1)
            sRepTime$=Space(MAXALPHATIMEDATE + 1)  
' lock down the handle to the history summary so we can get at the data
            For nLoop%=0 To lEntries&-1
' extract replication history by looping over the array of REPLHIST_SUMMARY structs
               CopyMemory summary, hLock&, Lenb(summary)
' convert Notes TIMEDATE to a legible text string for replication time
               ConvertTIMEDATEToText 0, 0, summary.ReplicationTime, sRepTime$, MAXALPHATIMEDATE, cbReturn%
               entry(nLoop%).RepTime=Left$(sRepTime$, cbReturn%)
' get replication direction
               Select Case summary.Direction
               Case DIRECTION_NEVER
                  entry(nLoop%).Direction="Never Received"  
               Case DIRECTION_SEND
               Case DIRECTION_RECEIVE
               End Select  
' advance offset to next REPLHIST_SUMMARY struct
' as server/filenames are not part of the REPLHIST_SUMMARY struct, but rather at the end of the
' array of these structs, we'll need to grab this info one char at a time (for each entry we find) in the
' format: CN=ServerA/O=OrgA!!myfile.nsf/0CN=ServerB/O=OrgAA!!myfile.nsf/0, etc.
            sTemp$=String$(1, 0)
            Do While nLoop% < lEntries&
               CopyMemoryStr sTemp$, hLock&, 1
               If sTemp$ = Chr$(0) Then
' parse out server and filename
                  nPos%=Instr(1, sHold$, "!!")
                  entry(nLoop%).ServerName=Left$(sHold$, nPos%-1)
                  entry(nLoop%).FileName=Right$(sHold$, Len(sHold$)-nPos%-1)
                  nLoop%=nLoop% + 1
' build the string one char at a time
                  sHold$=sHold$ & sTemp$
               End If
' advance the offset
               hLock& = hLock& + 1
' release the lock on the history summary handle once we're done with it
            Redim sList(lEntries&-1)
            For nLoop%=0 To lEntries&-1
' populate the array of entries to return to the caller
               Set nm=New NotesName(entry(nLoop%).ServerName)
               sList(nLoop%)=Trim$(nm.Abbreviated & " " & entry(nLoop%).FileName & " " & entry(nLoop%).RepTime  & " (" & entry(nLoop%).Direction  & ")")
         End If
      End If
' free any open handles to the history summary and/or the db
      If hSummary& <> 0 Then OSMemFree hSummary&  
      If hDb& <> 0 Then NSFDbClose hDb&
   End If
End Function

Sub Click(Source As Button)
' This sample button calls the GetReplHistory function and displays a database's replication history
' sorted by server name in the format <server> <filename> <date> <time> (<direction>). For example:
' If errors were encountered by the Notes API calls in GetReplHistory, the
' OSLoadString API is used to determine the error string returned.
   Dim session As New NotesSession
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Dim sList() As String
   Dim nCt%, nReturn%
   Dim lEntries&
   Dim sMsg$, sBuffer$
   Set db=session.GetDatabase("Comm1/Witte/de", "admin4.nsf")
' retrieve the history sorted by server name
   nReturn%=GetReplHistory(db, sList, lEntries&)
   If nReturn% = 0 Then
' no errors--build a string to show in a msgbox
      For nCt%=0 To lEntries&-1
         sMsg$=sMsg$ & sList(nCt%) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)  
' show the string
      Msgbox sMsg$, 0, "Replication History for " & db.Title
   Elseif nReturn=ERR_SPECIAL_ID Then
' no history found
      Msgbox "There is no replication history for this database.", 32, "Replication History"  
' find out what the error string is from the API
      sBuffer$=String$(256, 0)
      OSLoadString 0, nReturn%, sBuffer$, 255
' errors found
      Msgbox "Error found in retrieving history: " & sBuffer$, 48, "Replication History Error"
   End If
End Sub

Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline MrMagoo

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Re:Letzte Replikaton anzeigen
« Antwort #6 am: 23.05.03 - 11:41:05 »
Wow danke, des versuche ich mal


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